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As I drove towards the market on New Year’s Eve, a revelation crept into my heart. I heard a still small voice say, “It’s time to start calling in and praying for your tribe.” My tribe? But, I’ve already done my holiday texting, calling, posting, and praying I thought. So I drove on confused and clueless. I let the thought fall away peacefully as I headed into the market, picked up my items, and went back to my car. While buckling my seatbelt, it hit me! My tribe! My tribe must be the people I haven’t met yet, but who are destined to show up on my path.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that perhaps it might be important to pray for them and send them a silent prayer that everything is working together for thier good. Pray that they make it through their challenges, that they weather their storms, that they are sturdy enough to keep on keeping on. Pray that they’re not only working on their craft, but that they’re doing their inner work as well; so when we finally meet up-in whatever industry or for whatever purpose, we converge onto that moment prepared and ready to bring more beauty to the planet.

My prayer is that we recognize and receive each other with open arms resting in the awareness that something bigger than us is moving through the planet and we have a small yet important part to play; calling to them quietly in the cool of the night as our meeting time draws near.

Hey, perhaps it’s a far out revelation or a “new agey” concept, but the truth is that we do meet people that were not a part of our childhood or adolescence. They show up in our lives along the way and play pivotal rolls sometimes leaving lasting and life changing impressions in the process. People we didn’t even see coming. People that oftentimes become family.

So why not be ahead of the game in 2016?

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